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PES Project Management Defined


What is project management?  Many consultants use the term to describe a broad variety of planning and management services within the area of Information Technology. Although often accurate in today’s IT-based business world, this is merely one area of project management that tends to overshadow all other areas. PES defines our project management services as any planning or implementation of special processes focused on a common goal, using customized resources. This sounds broad because it is broad.


Our project managers may be assigned to lead product development activities, sales & marketing projects, restructuring of debt, supply-chain management, technical support, or process development, depending upon their resources and backgrounds. PES managers utilize specialized resources from within or external to your organization, whichever best suits your particular needs. An outside project manager driving an internal cross-functional project team allows a focused and objective, third-party leader to capitalize on the knowledge and experience already present within your business. This outsider benefits from inside resources yet remains free from internal restrictions, maximizing their effectiveness.


Upon project completion, many businesses will find trainable project leaders rise up from the general project team ranks, minimizing the need for outsourced project management in the future. In these cases, PES can continue to provide project mentor services or project-oriented training remotely or on-site, upon request.

Outsourcing and Project Planning/Leadership


Whether outsourcing overseas or to the next town over, businesses that consider taking the step toward outsourcing of manufacturing or services must also consider additional supply chain-specific project management requirements. These requirements are sure to grow upon implementation of most any outsourcing strategy and if not considered can result in massive failure. PES Outsourcing Project Planning is a critical first step in identifying new management requirements associated with coordinating external resources.


Finding the right suppliers for your specific needs is critical but without process management, your results will surely fall short of expectations. PES Project Management can target both areas. PM’s can lead the identification, qualification, and management of suppliers within the US or abroad, depending upon your needs. Our managers can also provide training so your existing personnel can soon support most all of your outsourcing management requirements.


In the event that outsourcing is introduced into your business strategy, as your business grows and changes size and shape, many employees will require re-training. For instance, manufacturing personnel may become field service providers and line managers may transform into project planners. Changes such as these, if right for your business, will require specialized management. PES teams with the CEO, COO, and other senior managers to best plan and manage changes such as these.


For more info on Management/Leadership Consulting Services, please visit Milestone Management Systems.

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